The Shenzhen brocade honest cause science and technology limitedco***ny founds in 2002, is a Shenzhen high tech enterprise. Theco***ny collection scientific research, the production, the sale, theproxy are a body high tech computer enterprise; For several years, theco***ny makes ***ermined efforts, grows healthy and strong.
The co***ny mainly is engaged in the computer, the electronic productsresearch and development and the production. Its main research anddevelopment and the sale on commission product includes: The motionelectron plate, dodges saves the card, and so on the PC inside andoutside equipment. The product through international authenticates hasCE, the FCC authentication, the home authenticates has the Chinaperformance test examination association as well as 800 trademarksregistrations and so on, and may provide the related ***ument to givethe customer, the product has the greatly strengthened function andthe extremely high stability.
The domestic business agent unification provides the regular qualitytesting to report that, the nature guarantees the book, the registeredtrademark, acts the sign as well as the national 800 toll free numbersinquiry product really false, simultaneously enjoys the national 34cities Áª±£ the service, our each city only looks for to act,absolutely safeguards the business agent benefit.
The brocade honest co***ny by its exquisite specialized technicalforce, the scientific management, extremely has the competitiveability the price to win the general customers the faith, hascontinued the domestic and foreign large quantities of OEM order form.Simultaneously the co***ny in order to pushes own product to themarket, has drawn up the perfect post-sale service system, honestlydrafts the domestic and foreign general business agents.
The co***ny continuously persisted "the quality first, the service issupreme" the management idea, the economical scale and thecomprehensive strength grow day by day. At present, the co***ny isexpanding the scale, the